Fan Art: Swaggie Suga

Maret 22, 2015

A5 manual sketch in early 2015 (with pencil) - scanned - coloring in photoshop

 fan art for:
cutie swagger of Bangtan Soenyeondan, Suga a.k.a Min Yoongi a.k.a August D! haha
born in '93, he's pale, has beautiful feet and beautiful smile (even i drew him ugly), rap so fast and absolutely has swag yo.. (even in this fan art i made him cute)

swagger (istillah kanggo rapper sing nduwe aura-aura khas hip hop/keren) sing imut pisan saka Bangtan Soenyeondan (hip hop idol seko negoro Korea Kidul), Suga alias Min Yoongi alias August D! haha (jeneng alise akeh men)
lairan taun 93, kulite putih lan polos, nduweni sikil lan meseman sing nyenengake ati (uga tak gambar dadi elek), nge-rap (ngomong cepet dikei irama lan musik) pancen cepet lan mestine nduweni swag yooh.. (uga in gambar ning nduwur tak gawe imut imut)

i'm going crazy about idols recently, they concept just unavoidable. beside BTS (bangtan soenyeondan), i just want to make a pop art for infinite, also simple sketch of lovelyz and red velvet. and when ikon get debut, the fan-art-i'm-gonna-do list will full soon haha. as i can learning about new technique using the software and can be pratice in coloring, i'll be simply happy doing these thing :)

aku kesengsem tenan mbek idol-idol akhir-akhir iki, konsepe mereka angel dihindari . liyane BTS, aku pengen nggawe pop art nggo infinite, uga sketch sederhana kanggo lovelyz lan red velvet. lan yen ikon wis debut, daftar nggawe fan art bakal kebek hahaa.. anggere aku iso sinau teknik nggunakke software lan biso latihan ngewarnai, aku bakal seneng-seneng ing prasaja wae nglakokke kahanan koyo ngene :)

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